Are you tired of spam? Spam email, spam phone calls, spam texts, spam mail, pretty much spam everywhere. I am also sick and tired of spam so I created this website to help all of us beat spam.

On these pages, you will find a wealth of ideas and tips to help you reduce spam in all its forms. If you know of any other good tips, please use the contact form to send it in!

What is spam?

Spam is any communication sent to a person that they did not specifically request or that they would normally expect after they initiated communications with someone.

Companies are desperate to get your information so they can market to you, they lie and twist words to make you feel like the bad guy. They tell you they don’t send spam, it is UCE (unsolicited commercial email), or that it is common practice that they can solicit to their customers. Fight back!

They are using your time, your bandwidth, your computer’s storage, and processing power, your phone’s memory, all without paying you a dime. It is time for that to stop!

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For years I have worked on trying to stop spam email, and it is always a battle. I have finally